Impressive Statement Of Activities Government

The statement shows direct expenses and program revenues for each government function.
Statement of activities government. A statement of activities quantifies the revenue and expenses of a nonprofit entity for a reporting period. The statement of activities focuses on the total organization as opposed to focusing on funds within the. The Statement of Activities The scope of the new government-wide financial statements is to include all governmental and business-type activities but NOT fiduciary activities.
The government-wide statements bring the financial activity together in one place and report accrual-based economic resources information. This is the nonprofit version of the income statement that is used to report the financial results of a for-profit business. If using the GDOE mapped financial statements ensure the financial statement template is in balance after all activity.
To receive additional updates regarding our library please subscribe to our mailing list using the following link. What is the Statement of Activities. Examples from GASB Statement 34 - Statement of Activities.
A statement of activities is the same thing as an income statement. The government-wide statement of net position and statement of activities should be prepared using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. The statement of activities lists the revenue and expenditures of the government.
The format of this new statement differs profoundly from the formats now used to report the activities of governmental proprietary and fiduciary funds. The statement of activities is one of the main financial statements of a nonprofit or not-for-profit organization. Government-wide Financial Statements Statement of Activities.
GOVERNMENT-WIDE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES The other basic government-wide financial statement in the new financial reporting model is the statement of activities. For the Year Ended June 30 2005. The statement of activities in Exhibit 163 provides details about revenues and expenses once again separated into governmental activities and business-type activities.